Prepedido BSO 'El Hobbit', iTunes ES, Edición Estándar
Prepedido BSO 'El Hobbit', iTunes ES, Edición Especial
Si pinchas aquí, podrás conseguir una invitación para asistir a la première de 'El Hobbit: Un viaje inesperado'. Tendrás que escuchar la canción que canta Neil Finn en un reproductor y dar tu opinión. ¡Suerte!
El premio dos entradas dobles a recoger el día del evento, miércoles 12 en Cines Callao, Madrid.
Se premiará la respuesta más original. No incluye ni gastos ni desplazamientos.
B.S.O. / O.S.T.: El Hobbit - The Hobbit (Edición Especial)
Música Original: Howard Shore
Tema Original: Neil Finn
Sello: DECCA / Universal
Formatos: CD (Amazon.com) / MP3
CD 1
1. My Dear Frodo -
2. Old Friends (Extended
Version) -
3. An Unexpected Party (Extended Version) -
4. Blunt the Knives (Exclusive Bonus Track) -
5. Axe or Sword? -
6. Misty Mountains -
7. The Adventure Begins -
8. The World is Ahead -
9. An Ancient Enemy -
10. Radagast the Brown (Extended Version) -
11. The Trollshaws (Exclusive Bonus Track) -
12. Roast Mutton (Extended
Version) -
13. A Troll-hoard -
14. The Hill of Sorcery -
15. Warg-scouts -
1. The Hidden Valley -
2. Moon Runes (Extended Version) -
3. The Defiler -
4. The White Council (Extended Version) -
5. Over Hill -
6. A Thunder Battle -
7. Under Hill -
8. Riddles in the Dark -
| ||
9. Brass Buttons -
10. Out of the Frying-Pan -
11. A Good Omen -
12. Song of the Lonely Mountain (Extended Version) - Neil Finn
13. Dreaming of Bag End -
14. A Very Respectable Hobbit (Exclusive Bonus Track) -
15. Erebor (Exclusive Bonus Track) -
16. The Dwarf Lords (Exclusive Bonus Track) -
17. The Edge of the Wild (Exclusive Bonus Track) -
B.S.O. / O.S.T.: El Hobbit - The Hobbit (Edición Estándar)
Música Original: Howard Shore
Tema Original: Neil Finn
Sello: DECCA / Universal
Formatos: CD / MP3 (Amazon.com)
1. My Dear Frodo
Howard Shore 8:04
2. Old Friends
Howard Shore 4:29
3. An Unexpected Party
Howard Shore 3:52
4. Axe or Sword?
Howard Shore 5:59
5. Misty Mountains
The Dwarf Cast & Richard Armitage 1:43
6. The Adventure Begins
Howard Shore 2:05
7. The World is Ahead
Howard Shore 2:20
8. An Ancient Enemy
Howard Shore 4:58
9. Radagast the Brown
Howard Shore 4:55
10. Roast Mutton
Howard Shore 4:03
11. A Troll-hoard
Howard Shore 2:39
12. The Hill of Sorcery
Howard Shore 3:51
13. Warg-scouts
Howard Shore 3:02
1. The Hidden Valley -
2. Moon Runes -
| ||
3. The Defiler -
4. The White Council -
5. Over Hill -
6. A Thunder Battle -
7. Under Hill -
8. Riddles in the Dark -
9. Brass Buttons -
10. Out of the Frying-Pan -
11. A Good Omen -
12. Song of the Lonely Mountain - Neil Finn
13. Dreaming of Bag End -
B.S.O. / O.S.T.: El Hobbit - The Hobbit (Edición Especial Digital)
(iTunes US / iTunes ES)
1. My Dear Frodo -
Old Friends (Extended Version) - Howard Shore 5:01
3. An Unexpected Party (Extended Version) -
Howard Shore 4:09
4. Blunt the Knives (Bonus Track) -
Axe or Sword? - Howard Shore 5:59
6. Misty Mountains -
The Adventure Begins - Howard Shore 2:05
8. The World Is Ahead - Howard Shore 2:20
9. An Ancient Enemy - Howard Shore 4:57
10. Radagast the Brown (Extended Version) -
Howard Shore 6:39
11. The Trollshaws (Bonus Track) - Howard Shore 2:09
12. Roast Mutton (Extended Version) -
Howard Shore 4:57
13. A Troll-hoard - Howard Shore 2:39
14. The Hill of Sorcery - Howard Shore 3:51
15. Warg-scouts - Howard Shore 3:02
1. The Hidden Valley - Howard Shore 3:49
2. Moon Runes (Extended Version) - Howard Shore 3:39
3. The Defiler - Howard Shore 1:14
4. The White Council (Extended Version) -
Howard Shore 9:41
5. Over Hill - Howard Shore 3:44
6. A Thunder Battle - Howard Shore 3:55
7. Under Hill - Howard Shore 1:55
8. Riddles in the Dark - Howard Shore 5:21
9. Brass Buttons - Howard Shore 7:38
10. Out of the Frying-Pan - Howard Shore 5:55
11. A Good Omen - Howard Shore 5:47
12. Song of the Lonely Mountain (Extended Version) -
Neil Finn 6:01
13. Dreaming of Bag End - Howard Shore 1:49
14. A Very Respectable Hobbit (Bonus Track) -
Howard Shore 1:22
15. Erebor (Bonus Track) - Howard Shore 1:19
16. The Dwarf Lords (Bonus Track) -
Howard Shore 2:01
17. The Edge of the Wild (Bonus Track) -
Howard Shore 3:34
Digital Booklet - The Hobbit - Howard Shore
B.S.O. / O.S.T.: El Hobbit - The Hobbit (Edición Estándar Digital)
(iTunes ES)
1. My Dear Frodo -
Old Friends - Howard Shore 4:29
3. An Unexpected Party - Howard Shore 3:52
4Axe or Sword? - Howard Shore 5:59
5. Misty Mountains -
The Adventure Begins - Howard Shore 2:05
7. The World Is Ahead - Howard Shore 2:20
8. An Ancient Enemy - Howard Shore 4:57
9. Radagast the Brown - Howard Shore 4:54
10. Roast Mutton - Howard Shore 4:03
11. A Troll-hoard - Howard Shore 2:39
12. The Hill of Sorcery - Howard Shore 3:51
13. Warg-scouts - Howard Shore 3:02
1. The Hidden Valley - Howard Shore 3:49
2. Moon Runes - Howard Shore 3:20
3. The Defiler - Howard Shore 1:14
4. The White Council - Howard Shore 7:20
5. Over Hill - Howard Shore 3:44
6. A Thunder Battle - Howard Shore 3:55
7. Under Hill - Howard Shore 1:55
8. Riddles in the Dark - Howard Shore 5:21
9. Brass Buttons - Howard Shore 7:38
10. Out of the Frying-Pan - Howard Shore 5:55
11. A Good Omen - Howard Shore 5:47
12. Song of the Lonely Mountain - Neil Finn 4:09
13. Dreaming of Bag End - Howard Shore 1:49
Digital Booklet - The Hobbit - Howard Shore
En este reproductor puedes escuchar las dos versiones del tema cantado por Neil Finn Song Of The Lonely Mountain, ver el tráiler de El Hobbit, y los videoblogs de Peter Jackson, y además escuchar la Edición Estándar de la B.S.O.
Para Marta, Pablo, Hugo.
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